

FC-004 Flat Cable 排線加工/Flat Ribbon Cable and FFC Cable
  • D-SUB IDC type male flat cable assembly
  • D-SUB IDC type female flat cable assembly 
  • D-SUB IDC type to IDC socket flat cable assembly
  • D-SUB IDC type to crimping connector flat cable assembly

我司從事各類客製化排線加工組裝, 2.54mm IDC Socket 排線加工, 2.0mm IDC Socket排線加工, 1.27mm IDC Socket排線加工, D-SUB 排線加工, D-SUB IDC TYPE 排線加工, Micro Match排線加工, Mini-Match排線加工, 1.27mm 彩排線加工, 電腦排線, Jumper Flat Cable板對板跳線, 軟性排線(FFC)…等

我司產品適用於各式機器, 設備, 儀器等
歡迎OEM/ODM 案子